Micromounts America North & South including Greenland..... .......Updated 17 September 2024
1945 ADAMITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico "Shell like" structure or ("Mohican Hair Cut" if you prefer) aggregate of pale yellow Adamite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
433 AEGIRINE - Jones Mill Quarry, Magnet Cove, Pulaski Co., Arkansas, USA Light to dark green green spiky to acicular Aegirine crystals in cavities in granitic matrix +/- minute black Rutile crystals SOLD OUT .
1291 ALBITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Aggregates of white or very pale pink Albite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection �1.00 1
1295 ALMANDINE - Hole in the Ground Quarry, Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Maine, USA Reddish orange to pink Almandine garnets embedded in feldspar matrix �1.00 2
1296 ALMANDINE - Hole in the Ground Quarry, Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Maine, USA Dark reddish Almandine garnets, no matrix �1.50p 1
1946 AMETHYST - Piedra Parada, Tatatila, Vera Cruz, Mexico Pale lilac Amethyst crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1947 AMETHYST - Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Pale Amethyst Quartz crystals with small red circular Haematite inclusions, no matrix SOLD OUT .
1948 ANALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Aggreagtes of small clear dodecahedral Analcite crystals with very dark brown to black Nontronite, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection �1.00 1
1301 ANALCITE & POLYLITHIONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Large white Analcite crystals with loose roseattes of clear micaceous Polylithionite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1949 ANCYLITE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Sprays of pale pink Ancylite crystals with white Albite and dark greenish Aegirine, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1950 ANCYLITE & ANALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Tight cluster of small pale pink Ancylite crystals on white Analcite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1951 ANILITE - Champion Mine, Painesdale, Houghton Co., Michigan, USA Rich specimen of shiny black crystalline Anilite with coatings and veins of Malachite associated. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
438 ANILITE & MALACHITE - Champion Mine, Painesdale, Houghton Co., Michigan, USA Shiny black crystalline Anilite shot through matrix with coatings and veins of Malachite associated SOLD OUT .
439 ANTIGORITE - Unnamed Serpentine Quarry, San Juan, Mendoza, Argentina Thin pale greenish veinlets with a fibrous structure shot through Serpentine matrix SOLD OUT .
1952 ARFVEDSONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Mass of small greenish black Arfvedsonite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1953 ASHBURTONITE - Tonopah-Belmont Mine, Bighorn Mountains, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA Small bluish green Ashburtonite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
1954 AURORITE - Aurora Mine, Treasure Hill, White Pine Co., Nevada, USA Grey inclusions of Aurorite in calcite, not pretty. Ex John Tuffnell collection �1.00 �1.50p 3 2
1310 ASTROPHYLLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Radiating sprays of golden-brown elongated Astrophyllite crystals embedded in feldspar matrix �1.50p 1
441 AXINITE-Mn & JOHANNSENITE - Iron Cap Mine, Landsman Camp, Graham Co., Arizona, USA Thin bladed yellowish-green Axinite-Mn crystals with radiating sprays of greenish Johannsenite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
442 AZURITE - La Negrita Mine, Copiapo, Atacama, Chile Bright blue bladed Azurite crystals in cavities in matrix �1.00 1
1955 BADDELEYITE & CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA Black rounded Baddeleyite crystals embedded in matrix with grey Corundum crystals plus some black Biotite flakes. Ex John Tuffnell collection �2.00 1
1956 BARYTE - Books cliff, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA Single colourless elongated Baryte crystal, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson �2.00 1
1957 BASTNASITE-Ce - Red Cloud Fluorite Mine, Gallinas Motns., Lincoln Co., New Mexico, USA Pale brown Bastnasite-Ce crystals embedded in fluorite rich matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
448 BERTRANDITE - Mount Apatite, Auburn, Maine, USA Small greyish blocky Bertrandite crystals on matrix, possibly also some Apatite SOLD OUT .
1316 BIOTITE & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Black hexagonal Biotite crystals embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite or whitish Albite �1.00 2
1325 CANCRINITE & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Yellow Crystalline Cancrinite embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite and/or whitish Albite +/- Biotite SOLD OUT .
1327 CARLETONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Pale blue blocky Carletonite crystals embedded in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
453 CHAMOSITE var THURINGITE - Merrimac Mine, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico, USA Greenish brown micaceous Thuringite comprising most of specimens SOLD OUT .
1330 CLINOCLASE - Majuba Hill Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA Deep indigo blue Clinoclase crystals in cavities in matrix �1.00 1
1331 CLINOCLASE - Copper Stope, Majuba Hill Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA Deep greenish blue tightly aggregated tabular Clinoclase crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
457 COLEMANITE & CALCITE - Boron, Kern Co., California, USA Colourless Colemanite crystals intergrown with pale yellow Calcite crystals, no matrix �1.00 �2.00 1 4
460 CONICHALCITE & CHRYSOCOLLA - La Cumbre Mine, Inca de Oro, Atacama, Chile Small spheres of green Conichalcite with blue Chrysocolla on matrix 50p 1
462 COPPER - Central Mine, Central, Keweenaw Co., Michigan, USA Very bright "hackly" Copper with minor Cuprite embedded in epidote/quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1958 COPPER - Iroqouis Mine, Seneca, Keweenaw, Michigan, USA Thin plates of Copper +/- minor Cuprite, no matrix �1.50p 2
1959 COPPER & PREHNITE - Iroqouis Mine, Seneca, Keweenaw, Michigan, USA Bits of Copper embedded in and protruding from pale green Prehnite matrix �1.00 2
1960 CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA Grey Corundum crystals embedded in matrix and displaying triangular growth patterns. Ex John Tuffnell collection �1.50p 3
1960a CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA Grey Corundum crystal, no matrix �1.50p 1
1961 CORUNDUM & BADDELEYITE - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA Grey Corundum crystals some displaying triangular growth patterns with black rounded Baddeleyite crystals embedded in matrix plus some black Biotite flakes. Ex John Tuffnell collection �1.50p �2.00 2 2
1962 DOYLEITE, WELOGANITE & QUARTZ - Francon Quarry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada White earthy Doyleite probably intermixed with other minerals with pale yellow Weloganite crystals and colourless Quartz crystals. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1963 DOZYITE - Woods Chrome Mine, Texas, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, USA Small area of pinkish Dozyite on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1341 ELPIDITE, ALBITE & CALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada A jumble of white acicular Elpidite crystals scattered throughout white tabular Albite crystals and colourless spiky Calcite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1345 ENDLICHITE - Erupcion Mine, Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico Brown elongated hexagonal Endlichite crystals, no matrix �1.50p 1
1964 EUDIDYMITE & ANCYLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Colourless Eudidymite crystals with pale pink sprays of Ancylite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1965 FERROWYLLIEITE - Victory Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA Very dark greenish black Ferrowyllieite in and on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1966 FLETCHERITE - Fletcher Mine, Viburnam Trend, Missouri, USA Dark grey piece of Fletcherite, another not pretty one. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1356 GOLD - Cripple Creek, Tellur Co., Colorado, USA Spots and specks of Gold on and in Quartz/telluride matrix. These specimens have apparently been "roasted" �1.00 1
1358 GOLD - Siglo XX Mine, Llallagua, Potosi, Bolivia Yellow Gold on gossan matrix �1.00 1
478 GOLD - Sigma Mine, Val D'Or, Quebec, Canada Bright Gold on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1967 GOLDFIELDITE - Tombstone, Arizona, USA Cavities in matrix containing dark grey to black Goldfieldite plus an unknown white mineral SOLD OUT .
1968 GROSSULAR - Sierra de Cruces, Coahuila, Mexico Single beige coloured Grossular crystal, no matrix �1.50p 1
485 GROSSULAR & DIOPSIDE - Orford Nickel Mine, St. Denis-de-Brompton, Estria, Quebec, Canada Small bright green Grossular crystals in amongst a pale yellow crystalline Diopside (some crystals) matrix �1.50p �2.00 2 1
490 HENDRICKSITE - Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA Orange brown micaceous Hendricksite shot through matrix �3.00 1
493 HEULANDITE - Green Peter Dam, Linn Co., Oregon, USA Colourless Heulandite crystals in cavities in basalt matrix �1.00 4
1969 HODGEKINSONITE - Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA Pink glassy crystalline Hodgekinsonite embedded in matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
494 HYDROMAGNESITE - Sierra Magnesite Mine, Gabbs, Nye Co., Nevada, USA White spheres of Hydromagnesite thickly covering matrix SOLD OUT .
498 ILSEMANNITE & WUPATKIITE - Gray Mountain, Cameron, Coconino Co., Arizona, USA Aggregates of white silky acicular Wupatkiite crystals stained dark greyish blue with Ilsemannite, no matrix �2.00 2
1970 JALPAITE - La Mesa, Chihuahua, Mexico Rich specimen of grey Jalpaite embedded in matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1362 JOHANNSENITE - Iron Cap Mine, Graham Co., Arizona, USA Light green to greyish green elongated Johannsenite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
500 KIDWELLITE - Silver Coin Mine, Valmy, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA Greyish green spherical aggregates of Kidwellite showing banding and radial structures �1.50p 2
1971 KRAISSILITE, FRANKLINITE & WILLEMITE - Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA Orange brown micaceous Kraissilite with black Franklinite & orange Willemite which fluoresces green in calcite matrix SOLD OUT .
1972 KYANITE - Ogilby Kyanite Deposit, Bluebird Hill, Imperial Co., California, USA Pale blue crystalline Kyanite on matrix �1.00 1
1973 LEIFITE ANCYLITE & BASTNASITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Colourless acicular Leifite crystals with pale pink Ancylite crystals and some minute white Bastnasite spheres on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT. .
1974 LINARITE & ASHBURTONITE - Tonopah-Belmont Mine, Bighorn Mountains, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA Small blue Linarite crystals with equally small bluish green Ashburtonite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
1975 MACKAYITE - Lone Pine District, Catron Co., Nevada, USA Tiny dark greenish brown sparkling Mackayite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
506 MAGNETITE in TALC - Chesters, Lamont, Canada Shiny black octahedral magnetite crystals embedded in micaceous crystalline Talc matrix �1.00 �2.00 2 1
1367 MARCASITE, SPHALERITE, CHALCOPYRITE & PYRITE - Tri-State, Oklahoma, USA Bright wedge shaped Marcasite crystals with reddish orange modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals as well as more yellowish modified tetrahedral Chalcopyrite crystals and a few small cubic Pyrite crystals on dolomite matrix �1.50p 2
512 META-VARISCITE - Utahlite Claim, Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah, USA Pale green glassy Meta-Variscite crystals in a cavity in Meta-Variscite matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen �2.00 1
513 META-VARISCITE & VARISCITE - Utahlite Claim, Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah, USA Pale green glassy Meta-Variscite crystals with small pale green Variscite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen SOLD OUT .
1369 MILLERITE & CHALCEDONY - Kaser Quarry, Ollie, Keokuk Co., Iowa, USA Mats of very fine acicular Millerite needles in cavities in banded Chalcedony matrix �1.00 �1.50p 2 1
517 MINIUM & SHANNONITE - Tonopah Belmont Mine, Tonopah, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA Orange red Minium often replacing Cerussite crystals with white Shannonite scattered throughout matrix +/- yellowish Massicot �1.50p 1
1976 NARSARSUKITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Single yellowish green tabular Narsarsukite crystal, no matrix and mounted on a cork pedestal. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1372 NATROLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Aggregates of clear Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection �1.00 1
1373 NATROLITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Aggregates of brownish Natrolite crystals with black Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
524 NICKELITE - Cobalt, Ontario, Canada "Pinkish" metallic Nickelite in matrix SOLD OUT .
1377 NORBERGITE - Franklin Marble, Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA Pale yellow crystalline Norbergite embedded in calcite matrix +/- Graphite. Fluoresces creamy white LW and pale yellow SW �1.00 11
525 OMPHACITE, GLAUCOPHANE & LAWSONITE - Reed Station, Tiburon Peninsula, Marin Co., California, USA Clear to whitish rhombic Lawsonite crystals with a mixture of green Omphacite but mostly blue acicular Glaucophane crystals forming the matrix SOLD OUT .
526 OSARIZAWAITE - Silver Hill Mine, Silver Hill, Pima Co., Arizona, USA Aggregates of tiny greenish blue Osarizawaite crystals in matrix �1.00 1
1977 OSUMILITE & PHLOGOPITE - Obsidian Cliffs, North Sister Mountain, Lane Co., Oregon, USA Lovely black tabular Osumilite crystals (one of my favourites) in cavities in matrix with thin red brown tabular Phlogopite crystals SOLD OUT .
1978 PARAMELACONITE - Remolinos Mine, Cabeza de Vaca Mining District, Copiapo, Atacama, Chile Black Paramelaconite with greenish blue Chrysocolla in matrix SOLD OUT .
531 PHENGITE var MARIPOSITE - Josephine Mine, Mariposa Co., California, USA Green micaceous "Mariposite" embedded in quartz matrix �1.00 �1.50p 2 4
1381 POLYLITHIONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Thin aggregate of micaceous Polylithionite crystals/plates with a couple of doubly terminated Natrolite crystals attached, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1979 PARATELLURITE - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico Orange waxy looking Paratellurite in and on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell Collection SOLD OUT .
1980 PHLOGOPITE - Obsidian Cliffs, North Sister Mountain, Lane Co., Oregon, USA Thin reddish brown tabular Phlogopite crystals in cavities in matrix �1.00 1
1981 PYRITE - Foote Mine, Kings Mountain, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA Brassy modified cubic Pyrite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
540 PYRITE, ANKERITE & CALCITE - Homestake Mine, Lead, Lawrence Co., South Dakota, USA Small brassy modified cubic Pyrite crystals on brownish Ankerite crystals with clear flattened hexagonal Calcite crystals plus some small tabular Marcasite crystals on matrix �1.00 �1.50p 2 2
1982 PYROCHLORE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Small dark orange octahedral Pyrochlore crystals on Aegirine crystals. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1983 PYROMORPHITE - Bunker Hill Mine, Kellogg, Shoshone Co., Idaho, USA Globular aggregate of orange Pyromorphite crystals, no matrix �2.00 1
1984 PYROMORPHITE - Little Giant Mine, Hunter Mining District, Shoshone Co., Idaho, USA 3 small sample of pale green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals mounted on a pedestal SOLD OUT .
1985 RAJITE - Lone Pine Mine, Wilcox Mining District, Catron Co., New Mexico, USA Small patches of green Rajite on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1385 RHODOCHROSITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Pale brown rhombohedral Rhodochrosite crystals with dark brown to black Aegirine crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection �1.50p 1
1386 RHODOCHROSITE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Pale brown rhombohedral Rhodochrosite crystals with white bladed Albite crystals and dark brown to black Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection �2.00 1
1986 SAMPLEITE, ATACAMITE & LIBETHENITE - Engano Felix Mine, Cerro Pintado, Copiapo, Chile Aggregates of small blue platy Sampleite crystals with green glassy Atacamite crystals and green acicular Libethenite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1987 SCORODITE & PHARMACOSIDERITE - Majuba Hill Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA Spheres of small greyish blue Scorodite crystals with green cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
1988 SELENIUM - Ambrosia Lake, McKinley Co., New Mexico, USA Tiny dark grey Selenium crystals in and on sandstone matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection 50p 2
1989 SERANDITE & EUDIALYTE - Point of Rocks Quarry, Springer, Colfax Co., New Mexico, USA Pale pink Serandite crystals next to dark reddish Eudialyte possibly pseudomorphing something plus black Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
549 SHATTUCKITE - Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA Vein of blue Shattuckite detached from matrix showing fibrous structure with a small amount of Malachite �1.00 1
550 SHORTITE - Green River Formation, Sweetwater, Wyoming, USA Clear oddly shaped, (sort of triangular) Shortite crystals embedded and protruding from Neotocite matri �1.00 �1.50p �2.50p 3 1 1
1397 SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with or without whitish Albite and/or yellow Cancrinite, no matrix �1.00 3
1399 SODALITE & ALBITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with whitish Albite, no matrix �1.50p 1
1990 SODALITE & CANCRINITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with yelow crystalline Cancrinite +/- Albite, no matrix �1.00 �1.50p 3 1
1991 SPESSARTINE - Garnet Basin, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA Dark orange Spessartine crystals with Quartz on matrix SOLD OUT .
557 SPINEL - Amity, Orange Co., New York, USA Black octahedral Spinel crystals embedded in and protruding from calcite matrix �1.00 1
1992 STEACYITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Square Steacyite crystal heavily encrusted with manganese oxides in a cavity in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
561 SULPHUR - Steamboat Springs, Washoe Co., Nevada, USA Yellow Sulphur crystals on matrix �1.50p �2.00 1 1
1993 TELLURIUM, TELLURITE & PARATELLURITE - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico Bright silvery Tellurium with orange glassy Tellurite and orange waxy looking Paratellurite on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell Collection SOLD OUT .
1994 TOPAZ, BIXBYITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA Cluster of pale brown Topaz crystals with black cubic Bixbyite crystals and black rod-like Pseudobrookite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection �5.00 1
1995 TSUMCORITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Small brown to black Tsumcorite crystals lining cavities in gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1407 TURQUOISE - Silver Coin Mine, Valmy, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA Tiny pale blue Turquoise crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
575 VARISCITE - Mauldin Mountain, Montgomery Co., Arkansas, USA Small pale green Variscite crystals lining cavities in matrix �1.50p 1
578 VOLBORTHITE - Monument #1 Mine, Mystery Valley, Navajo Co., Arizona, USA Thin bladed bright yellowish green Volborthite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen �2.00 1
577 VOLBORTHITE - Monument Valley, Apache Co., Arizona, USA Crusts of bright yellowish green thin tabular Volborthite crystals on matrix +/- Chrysocolla SOLD OUT .
579 WAVELLITE & CRYPTOMELANE - Wood Mine, Del Rio Mining District, Cocke Co., Tennessee, USA Sprays of white Wavellite crystals partly covered in a crust of black Cryptomelane on matrix �1.00 1
1996 WEISSBERGITE - Lookout Pass, Tooele Co., Utah, USA Bright silvery Weissbergite embedded in chert matrix, as it says on the label. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
584 WULFENITE - Melissa Mine, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA Bright orange tabular or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals on matrix +/- Mimetite �1.50p �2.50p 2 1
583 WULFENITE - Melissa Mine, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA Bright orange tabular or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals on matrix +/- Mimetite �1.00 �1.50p 1 1
585 WULFENITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Brown tabular Wulfenite crystals in gossan matrix �1.00 �1.50p �2.00 2 4 1
588 WULFENITE - Red Cloud Mine, Silver Mining District, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals plus some minor orange Mimetite, no matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen SOLD OUT .
1997 WULFENITE - Total Wreck Mine, Cenega creek, Pima Co., Arizona, USA Pale yellow tabular Wulfenite crystals on matrix. Ex David hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1412 WULFENITE & MIMETITE - Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico Orange spiky Wulfenite crystals with small pale green Mimetite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1413 WULFENITE & MIMETITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Orange brown blocky Wulfenite crystals on yellowish green Mimetite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
1998 YOFORTIERITE & ANALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Sprays of pinkish-brown acicular Yofortierite crystals on whitish Analcite crystals, no matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1999 ZIRCON & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Small pale pink Zircon crystals embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite +/- whitish Albite, no matrix �1.50p 1
592 ZUNYITE - Prospect above Zuni Mine, Anvil Mountain, San Juan Co., Colorado, USA Small colourless tetrahedral Zunyite crystals embedded in matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen SOLD OUT .