Micromounts America North & South including Greenland..... .......Updated 17 September 2024
1945 |
ADAMITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
"Shell like" structure or ("Mohican Hair Cut" if you prefer) aggregate of pale yellow Adamite crystals,
no matrix |
. |
433 |
AEGIRINE - Jones Mill Quarry, Magnet Cove, Pulaski Co., Arkansas, USA |
Light to dark green green spiky to acicular Aegirine crystals in cavities in granitic matrix +/- minute black
Rutile crystals |
. |
1291 |
ALBITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Aggregates of white or very pale pink Albite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
�1.00 |
1 |
1295 |
ALMANDINE - Hole in the Ground Quarry, Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Maine, USA |
Reddish orange to pink Almandine garnets embedded in feldspar matrix |
�1.00 |
2 |
1296 |
ALMANDINE - Hole in the Ground Quarry, Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Maine, USA |
Dark reddish Almandine garnets, no matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
1946 |
AMETHYST - Piedra Parada, Tatatila, Vera Cruz, Mexico |
Pale lilac Amethyst crystals on matrix |
. |
1947 |
AMETHYST - Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada |
Pale Amethyst Quartz crystals with small red circular Haematite inclusions, no matrix |
. |
1948 |
ANALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Aggreagtes of small clear dodecahedral Analcite crystals with very dark brown to black Nontronite, no
matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
�1.00 |
1 |
1301 |
ANALCITE & POLYLITHIONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Large white Analcite crystals with loose roseattes of clear micaceous Polylithionite crystals, no matrix.
Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1949 |
ANCYLITE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Sprays of pale pink Ancylite crystals with white Albite and dark greenish Aegirine, no matrix. Ex David
Hardman collection |
. |
1950 |
ANCYLITE & ANALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Tight cluster of small pale pink Ancylite crystals on white Analcite crystals, no matrix. Ex David
Hardman collection |
. |
1951 |
ANILITE - Champion Mine, Painesdale, Houghton Co., Michigan, USA |
Rich specimen of shiny black crystalline Anilite with coatings and veins of Malachite associated. Ex
John Tuffnell collection |
. |
438 |
ANILITE & MALACHITE - Champion Mine, Painesdale, Houghton Co., Michigan, USA |
Shiny black crystalline Anilite shot through matrix with coatings and veins of Malachite associated |
. |
439 |
ANTIGORITE - Unnamed Serpentine Quarry, San Juan, Mendoza, Argentina |
Thin pale greenish veinlets with a fibrous structure shot through Serpentine matrix |
. |
1952 |
ARFVEDSONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Mass of small greenish black Arfvedsonite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1953 |
ASHBURTONITE - Tonopah-Belmont Mine, Bighorn Mountains, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA |
Small bluish green Ashburtonite crystals in cavities in matrix |
. |
1954 |
AURORITE - Aurora Mine, Treasure Hill, White Pine Co., Nevada, USA |
Grey inclusions of Aurorite in calcite, not pretty. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
�1.00 �1.50p |
3 2 |
1310 |
ASTROPHYLLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Radiating sprays of golden-brown elongated Astrophyllite crystals embedded in feldspar matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
441 |
AXINITE-Mn & JOHANNSENITE - Iron Cap Mine, Landsman Camp, Graham Co., Arizona, USA |
Thin bladed yellowish-green Axinite-Mn crystals with radiating sprays of greenish Johannsenite crystals on matrix |
. |
442 |
AZURITE - La Negrita Mine, Copiapo, Atacama, Chile |
Bright blue bladed Azurite crystals in cavities in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1955 |
BADDELEYITE & CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA |
Black rounded Baddeleyite crystals embedded in matrix with grey Corundum crystals plus some black
Biotite flakes. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
�2.00 |
1 |
1956 |
BARYTE - Books cliff, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA |
Single colourless elongated Baryte crystal, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson |
�2.00 |
1 |
1957 |
BASTNASITE-Ce - Red Cloud Fluorite Mine, Gallinas Motns., Lincoln Co., New Mexico, USA |
Pale brown Bastnasite-Ce crystals embedded in fluorite rich matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
448 |
BERTRANDITE - Mount Apatite, Auburn, Maine, USA |
Small greyish blocky Bertrandite crystals on matrix, possibly also some Apatite |
. |
1316 |
BIOTITE & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Black hexagonal Biotite crystals embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite or whitish Albite |
�1.00 |
2 |
1325 |
CANCRINITE & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Yellow Crystalline Cancrinite embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite and/or whitish Albite +/-
Biotite |
. |
1327 |
CARLETONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Pale blue blocky Carletonite crystals embedded in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
453 |
CHAMOSITE var THURINGITE - Merrimac Mine, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico, USA |
Greenish brown micaceous Thuringite comprising most of specimens |
. |
1330 |
CLINOCLASE - Majuba Hill Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA |
Deep indigo blue Clinoclase crystals in cavities in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1331 |
CLINOCLASE - Copper Stope, Majuba Hill Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA |
Deep greenish blue tightly aggregated tabular Clinoclase crystals on matrix |
. |
457 |
COLEMANITE & CALCITE - Boron, Kern Co., California, USA |
Colourless Colemanite crystals intergrown with pale yellow Calcite crystals, no matrix |
�1.00 �2.00 |
1 4 |
460 |
CONICHALCITE & CHRYSOCOLLA - La Cumbre Mine, Inca de Oro, Atacama, Chile |
Small spheres of green Conichalcite with blue Chrysocolla on matrix |
50p |
1 |
462 |
COPPER - Central Mine, Central, Keweenaw Co., Michigan, USA |
Very bright "hackly" Copper with minor Cuprite embedded in epidote/quartz matrix |
. |
1958 |
COPPER - Iroqouis Mine, Seneca, Keweenaw, Michigan, USA |
Thin plates of Copper +/- minor Cuprite, no matrix |
�1.50p |
2 |
1959 |
COPPER & PREHNITE - Iroqouis Mine, Seneca, Keweenaw, Michigan, USA |
Bits of Copper embedded in and protruding from pale green Prehnite matrix |
�1.00 |
2 |
1960 |
CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA |
Grey Corundum crystals embedded in matrix and displaying triangular growth patterns. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
�1.50p |
3 |
1960a |
CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA |
Grey Corundum crystal, no matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
1961 |
CORUNDUM & BADDELEYITE - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA |
Grey Corundum crystals some displaying triangular growth patterns with black rounded Baddeleyite
crystals embedded in matrix plus some black Biotite flakes. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
�1.50p �2.00 |
2 2 |
1962 |
DOYLEITE, WELOGANITE & QUARTZ - Francon Quarry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
White earthy Doyleite probably intermixed with other minerals with pale yellow Weloganite crystals and
colourless Quartz crystals. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
1963 |
DOZYITE - Woods Chrome Mine, Texas, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, USA |
Small area of pinkish Dozyite on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
1341 |
ELPIDITE, ALBITE & CALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
A jumble of white acicular Elpidite crystals scattered throughout white tabular Albite crystals and
colourless spiky Calcite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1345 |
ENDLICHITE - Erupcion Mine, Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico |
Brown elongated hexagonal Endlichite crystals, no matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
1964 |
EUDIDYMITE & ANCYLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Colourless Eudidymite crystals with pale pink sprays of Ancylite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1965 |
FERROWYLLIEITE - Victory Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA |
Very dark greenish black Ferrowyllieite in and on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
1966 |
FLETCHERITE - Fletcher Mine, Viburnam Trend, Missouri, USA |
Dark grey piece of Fletcherite, another not pretty one. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
1356 |
GOLD - Cripple Creek, Tellur Co., Colorado, USA |
Spots and specks of Gold on and in Quartz/telluride matrix. These specimens have apparently been
"roasted" |
�1.00 |
1 |
1358 |
GOLD - Siglo XX Mine, Llallagua, Potosi, Bolivia |
Yellow Gold on gossan matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
478 |
GOLD - Sigma Mine, Val D'Or, Quebec, Canada |
Bright Gold on quartz matrix |
. |
1967 |
GOLDFIELDITE - Tombstone, Arizona, USA |
Cavities in matrix containing dark grey to black Goldfieldite plus an unknown white mineral |
. |
1968 |
GROSSULAR - Sierra de Cruces, Coahuila, Mexico |
Single beige coloured Grossular crystal, no matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
485 |
GROSSULAR & DIOPSIDE - Orford Nickel Mine, St. Denis-de-Brompton, Estria, Quebec, Canada |
Small bright green Grossular crystals in amongst a pale yellow crystalline Diopside (some crystals) matrix |
�1.50p �2.00 |
2 1 |
490 |
HENDRICKSITE - Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA |
Orange brown micaceous Hendricksite shot through matrix |
�3.00 |
1 |
493 |
HEULANDITE - Green Peter Dam, Linn Co., Oregon, USA |
Colourless Heulandite crystals in cavities in basalt matrix |
�1.00 |
4 |
1969 |
HODGEKINSONITE - Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA |
Pink glassy crystalline Hodgekinsonite embedded in matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
494 |
HYDROMAGNESITE - Sierra Magnesite Mine, Gabbs, Nye Co., Nevada, USA |
White spheres of Hydromagnesite thickly covering matrix |
. |
498 |
ILSEMANNITE & WUPATKIITE - Gray Mountain, Cameron, Coconino Co., Arizona, USA |
Aggregates of white silky acicular Wupatkiite crystals stained dark greyish blue with Ilsemannite, no matrix |
�2.00 |
2 |
1970 |
JALPAITE - La Mesa, Chihuahua, Mexico |
Rich specimen of grey Jalpaite embedded in matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
1362 |
JOHANNSENITE - Iron Cap Mine, Graham Co., Arizona, USA |
Light green to greyish green elongated Johannsenite crystals on matrix |
. |
500 |
KIDWELLITE - Silver Coin Mine, Valmy, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA |
Greyish green spherical aggregates of Kidwellite showing banding and radial structures |
�1.50p |
2 |
1971 |
KRAISSILITE, FRANKLINITE & WILLEMITE - Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA |
Orange brown micaceous Kraissilite with black Franklinite & orange Willemite which fluoresces green in
calcite matrix |
. |
1972 |
KYANITE - Ogilby Kyanite Deposit, Bluebird Hill, Imperial Co., California, USA |
Pale blue crystalline Kyanite on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1973 |
LEIFITE ANCYLITE & BASTNASITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Colourless acicular Leifite crystals with pale pink Ancylite crystals and some minute white Bastnasite
spheres on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1974 |
LINARITE & ASHBURTONITE - Tonopah-Belmont Mine, Bighorn Mountains, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA |
Small blue Linarite crystals with equally small bluish green Ashburtonite crystals in cavities in matrix |
. |
1975 |
MACKAYITE - Lone Pine District, Catron Co., Nevada, USA |
Tiny dark greenish brown sparkling Mackayite crystals on matrix |
. |
506 |
MAGNETITE in TALC - Chesters, Lamont, Canada |
Shiny black octahedral magnetite crystals embedded in micaceous crystalline Talc matrix |
�1.00 �2.00 |
2 1 |
1367 |
Bright wedge shaped Marcasite crystals with reddish orange modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals
as well as more yellowish modified tetrahedral Chalcopyrite crystals and a few small cubic Pyrite crystals on dolomite matrix |
�1.50p |
2 |
512 |
META-VARISCITE - Utahlite Claim, Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah, USA |
Pale green glassy Meta-Variscite crystals in a cavity in Meta-Variscite matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen |
�2.00 |
1 |
513 |
META-VARISCITE & VARISCITE - Utahlite Claim, Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah, USA |
Pale green glassy Meta-Variscite crystals with small pale green Variscite crystals in cavities in matrix.
Ex David Hardman specimen |
. |
1369 |
MILLERITE & CHALCEDONY - Kaser Quarry, Ollie, Keokuk Co., Iowa, USA |
Mats of very fine acicular Millerite needles in cavities in banded Chalcedony matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
2 1 |
517 |
MINIUM & SHANNONITE - Tonopah Belmont Mine, Tonopah, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA |
Orange red Minium often replacing Cerussite crystals with white Shannonite scattered throughout matrix +/-
yellowish Massicot |
�1.50p |
1 |
1976 |
NARSARSUKITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Single yellowish green tabular Narsarsukite crystal, no matrix and mounted on a cork pedestal. Ex David
Hardman collection |
. |
1372 |
NATROLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Aggregates of clear Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
�1.00 |
1 |
1373 |
NATROLITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Aggregates of brownish Natrolite crystals with black Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
524 |
NICKELITE - Cobalt, Ontario, Canada |
"Pinkish" metallic Nickelite in matrix |
. |
1377 |
NORBERGITE - Franklin Marble, Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA |
Pale yellow crystalline Norbergite embedded in calcite matrix +/- Graphite. Fluoresces creamy white LW
and pale yellow SW |
�1.00 |
11 |
525 |
OMPHACITE, GLAUCOPHANE & LAWSONITE - Reed Station, Tiburon Peninsula, Marin Co., California, USA |
Clear to whitish rhombic Lawsonite crystals with a mixture of green Omphacite but mostly blue acicular
Glaucophane crystals forming the matrix |
. |
526 |
OSARIZAWAITE - Silver Hill Mine, Silver Hill, Pima Co., Arizona, USA |
Aggregates of tiny greenish blue Osarizawaite crystals in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1977 |
OSUMILITE & PHLOGOPITE - Obsidian Cliffs, North Sister Mountain, Lane Co., Oregon, USA |
Lovely black tabular Osumilite crystals (one of my favourites) in cavities in matrix with thin red
brown tabular Phlogopite crystals |
. |
1978 |
PARAMELACONITE - Remolinos Mine, Cabeza de Vaca Mining District, Copiapo, Atacama, Chile |
Black Paramelaconite with greenish blue Chrysocolla in matrix |
. |
531 |
PHENGITE var MARIPOSITE - Josephine Mine, Mariposa Co., California, USA |
Green micaceous "Mariposite" embedded in quartz matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
2 4 |
1381 |
POLYLITHIONITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Thin aggregate of micaceous Polylithionite crystals/plates with a couple of doubly terminated
Natrolite crystals attached, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1979 |
PARATELLURITE - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico |
Orange waxy looking Paratellurite in and on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell Collection |
. |
1980 |
PHLOGOPITE - Obsidian Cliffs, North Sister Mountain, Lane Co., Oregon, USA |
Thin reddish brown tabular Phlogopite crystals in cavities in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1981 |
PYRITE - Foote Mine, Kings Mountain, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA |
Brassy modified cubic Pyrite crystals on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
540 |
PYRITE, ANKERITE & CALCITE - Homestake Mine, Lead, Lawrence Co., South Dakota, USA |
Small brassy modified cubic Pyrite crystals on brownish Ankerite crystals with clear flattened hexagonal
Calcite crystals plus some small tabular Marcasite crystals on matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
2 2 |
1982 |
PYROCHLORE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Small dark orange octahedral Pyrochlore crystals on Aegirine crystals. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1983 |
PYROMORPHITE - Bunker Hill Mine, Kellogg, Shoshone Co., Idaho, USA |
Globular aggregate of orange Pyromorphite crystals, no matrix |
�2.00 |
1 |
1984 |
PYROMORPHITE - Little Giant Mine, Hunter Mining District, Shoshone Co., Idaho, USA |
3 small sample of pale green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals mounted on a pedestal |
. |
1985 |
RAJITE - Lone Pine Mine, Wilcox Mining District, Catron Co., New Mexico, USA |
Small patches of green Rajite on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
1385 |
RHODOCHROSITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Pale brown rhombohedral Rhodochrosite crystals with dark brown to black Aegirine crystals, no matrix.
Ex David Hardman collection |
�1.50p |
1 |
1386 |
RHODOCHROSITE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Pale brown rhombohedral Rhodochrosite crystals with white bladed Albite crystals and dark brown to
black Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
�2.00 |
1 |
1986 |
SAMPLEITE, ATACAMITE & LIBETHENITE - Engano Felix Mine, Cerro Pintado, Copiapo, Chile |
Aggregates of small blue platy Sampleite crystals with green glassy Atacamite crystals and green acicular Libethenite
crystals on matrix |
. |
1987 |
SCORODITE & PHARMACOSIDERITE - Majuba Hill Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA |
Spheres of small greyish blue Scorodite crystals with green cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals in
cavities in matrix |
. |
1988 |
SELENIUM - Ambrosia Lake, McKinley Co., New Mexico, USA |
Tiny dark grey Selenium crystals in and on sandstone matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
50p |
2 |
1989 |
SERANDITE & EUDIALYTE - Point of Rocks Quarry, Springer, Colfax Co., New Mexico, USA |
Pale pink Serandite crystals next to dark reddish Eudialyte possibly pseudomorphing something plus
black Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
549 |
SHATTUCKITE - Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA |
Vein of blue Shattuckite detached from matrix showing fibrous structure with a small amount of Malachite |
�1.00 |
1 |
550 |
SHORTITE - Green River Formation, Sweetwater, Wyoming, USA |
Clear oddly shaped, (sort of triangular) Shortite crystals embedded and protruding from Neotocite matri |
�1.00 �1.50p �2.50p |
3 1 1 |
1397 |
SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with or without whitish Albite and/or yellow Cancrinite, no matrix |
�1.00 |
3 |
1399 |
SODALITE & ALBITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with whitish Albite, no matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
1990 |
SODALITE & CANCRINITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with yelow crystalline Cancrinite +/- Albite, no matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
3 1 |
1991 |
SPESSARTINE - Garnet Basin, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA |
Dark orange Spessartine crystals with Quartz on matrix |
. |
557 |
SPINEL - Amity, Orange Co., New York, USA |
Black octahedral Spinel crystals embedded in and protruding from calcite matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1992 |
STEACYITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Square Steacyite crystal heavily encrusted with manganese oxides in a cavity in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
561 |
SULPHUR - Steamboat Springs, Washoe Co., Nevada, USA |
Yellow Sulphur crystals on matrix |
�1.50p �2.00 |
1 1 |
1993 |
TELLURIUM, TELLURITE & PARATELLURITE - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico |
Bright silvery Tellurium with orange glassy Tellurite and orange waxy looking Paratellurite on matrix.
Ex John Tuffnell Collection |
. |
1994 |
TOPAZ, BIXBYITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA |
Cluster of pale brown Topaz crystals with black cubic Bixbyite crystals and black rod-like
Pseudobrookite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
�5.00 |
1 |
1995 |
TSUMCORITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Small brown to black Tsumcorite crystals lining cavities in gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
1407 |
TURQUOISE - Silver Coin Mine, Valmy, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA |
Tiny pale blue Turquoise crystals on matrix |
. |
575 |
VARISCITE - Mauldin Mountain, Montgomery Co., Arkansas, USA |
Small pale green Variscite crystals lining cavities in matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
578 |
VOLBORTHITE - Monument #1 Mine, Mystery Valley, Navajo Co., Arizona, USA |
Thin bladed bright yellowish green Volborthite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen |
�2.00 |
1 |
577 |
VOLBORTHITE - Monument Valley, Apache Co., Arizona, USA |
Crusts of bright yellowish green thin tabular Volborthite crystals on matrix +/- Chrysocolla |
. |
579 |
WAVELLITE & CRYPTOMELANE - Wood Mine, Del Rio Mining District, Cocke Co., Tennessee, USA |
Sprays of white Wavellite crystals partly covered in a crust of black Cryptomelane on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1996 |
WEISSBERGITE - Lookout Pass, Tooele Co., Utah, USA |
Bright silvery Weissbergite embedded in chert matrix, as it says on the label. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
584 |
WULFENITE - Melissa Mine, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA |
Bright orange tabular or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals on matrix +/- Mimetite |
�1.50p �2.50p |
2 1 |
583 |
WULFENITE - Melissa Mine, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA |
Bright orange tabular or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals on matrix +/- Mimetite |
�1.00 �1.50p |
1 1 |
585 |
WULFENITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Brown tabular Wulfenite crystals in gossan matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p �2.00 |
2 4 1 |
588 |
WULFENITE - Red Cloud Mine, Silver Mining District, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA |
Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals plus some minor orange Mimetite, no matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen |
. |
1997 |
WULFENITE - Total Wreck Mine, Cenega creek, Pima Co., Arizona, USA |
Pale yellow tabular Wulfenite crystals on matrix. Ex David hardman collection |
. |
1412 |
WULFENITE & MIMETITE - Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico |
Orange spiky Wulfenite crystals with small pale green Mimetite crystals on matrix |
. |
1413 |
WULFENITE & MIMETITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Orange brown blocky Wulfenite crystals on yellowish green Mimetite crystals, no matrix |
. |
1998 |
YOFORTIERITE & ANALCITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Sprays of pinkish-brown acicular Yofortierite crystals on whitish Analcite crystals, no matrix. Ex
John Tuffnell collection |
. |
1999 |
ZIRCON & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Small pale pink Zircon crystals embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite +/- whitish Albite, no matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
592 |
ZUNYITE - Prospect above Zuni Mine, Anvil Mountain, San Juan Co., Colorado, USA |
Small colourless tetrahedral Zunyite crystals embedded in matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen |
. |